Living Wills and Organ Donation
You can specify medical procedures and treatments you do not want to receive in your living will. Doing so can help give you peace of mind. You also avoid leaving decisions to family members. Instead of figuring out what would be best for your loved ones, you can specify exactly what you want. This will ensure that your loved ones get the medical care they need without you having to worry about what would be best for them.
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions
A durable power of attorney for health care decisions is a legal document naming a trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf. This person often referred to as an agent, attorney-in-fact, health care surrogate, or health care proxy will work with your doctor to ensure that you receive the best care possible. The agent is legally bound to follow your instructions, including the type of treatment you want.
When you designate someone as your healthcare agent, you should consider their qualifications and experience carefully. It would help if you chose someone with whom you have a good working relationship. They should also be able to communicate your wishes to doctors and other health care professionals. Finally, a healthcare agent should be someone who has integrity and trust.
A durable power of attorney is a very valuable planning tool. It is particularly helpful for people in their middle age and older. But it can also benefit younger people with disabilities or those traveling abroad. In contrast, if you have no durable power of attorney, no one has the legal authority to make decisions for you. For example, your spouse, adult child, or elderly parent cannot make health care decisions for you without your permission.
Living Wills
A living will is a legal document specifying the types of medical treatments a person would prefer to receive when they become incapacitated or ill. This document will be binding upon healthcare providers if a person cannot make their own decisions. For example, it can state what treatment would prolong life and specify organ donation.
If you don’t have the time to write out your living will, you can use an online tool like Rocket Lawyer’s living will builder. This tool will ask you questions to help you create your living will. You can choose to have your living will notarize or have witnesses. Then, you can give a copy to your family and healthcare agents.
Another great feature of a living will is that it can be segmented into categories. For example, you can specify whether you want to receive life-sustaining care or if you want to be put on a ventilator to survive. You can also specify where and how you want your medical treatment to be administered and if you want to have a choice about your nutrition and medication.
Organ and Tissue Donation
Living wills just like living wills Souderton PA are legal documents that name the person you want to make medical decisions for. These documents can also include language regarding organ and tissue donation. It’s important to make sure you understand the process before signing one. Having a living will with the language regarding organ donation helps your family avoid unnecessary stress if you pass away unexpectedly. You can create one yourself or find an online legal document provider.
Most religions respect the decision to donate organs, so that you can discuss this with your religious advisor. You can also discuss the decision with your family. It’s important to remember that your organs can save the lives of up to eight people. Therefore, your donation could also enhance the lives of over 75 others.
Although the donation model is currently the public policy in the US, a significant minority of citizens would refuse to donate organs. This could harm the general public’s trust in the healthcare system. Moreover, it could lower the donation rate. Donation rates for deceased individuals are already high, at 75%. If this is not changed, the rate could increase.
Choosing a Surrogate
A living will is a legal document that nominates a person to make health care decisions for the decedent. A surrogate may receive medical information on the decedent’s behalf, consent to medical treatments, or make anatomical gifts. The document must be signed by the person making the decision and witnessed by two witnesses.
A living will is an important part of an estate plan because it allows you to document your wishes for the end of your life. However, it does not replace the importance of conversations with family members. A living will capture every wish, and a discussion can clarify what you’d like. A healthcare surrogate should understand your wishes and be willing to carry out those wishes.
When choosing a surrogate for living wills, it is important to ensure that you and your surrogate share common values. For example, a family member, friend, lawyer, or member of your spiritual community could be a good choice. If you’re unsure, be sure to designate an alternate. If you’d rather not name a surrogate, create a detailed living will.