Debunking the Most Common Plumbing Myths That Exist Today
According to the census records, only 1% of the US population had indoor plumbing in 1900, compared to today’s 99%. As a result, most people now have their own idea about quick home solutions about plumbing. Most of these ideas consist of widespread plumbing myths — it gets harder to differentiate them from facts.
You may think you know a thing or two about plumbing, and that’s wrong! If plumbing was so easy that anyone could do it, why would there be a need for professionals? Trying to fix the issue with such misinformation can accentuate the problem further.
With the growth of the plumbing industry, there are dozens of myths about the drainage issues most people experience. Some practices might have worked before, but it doesn’t mean they’re the best approaches. You can tell the plumbing myths and facts apart with a bit of know-how, but if you’re unsure, consult the experts.
Wondering what plumbing myths you might have heard of lately? Continue reading as we debunk the most common plumbing myths that exist today.
Everything Is Okay If Your Sink and Shower Are Draining
Your drains are probably the first area you’ll check if you suspect anything wrong with your plumbing system. However, you shouldn’t assume that everything is fine just because the sink or shower is draining.
You may have to pay attention to how fast the water is going down the drain. Most homeowners might ignore a slight decrease in the draining speed, but the problem worsens quickly. Slow drains might indicate a problem under the surface that needs fixing, so pay attention.
If you catch the problem early enough, it’s less costly to fix and prevents severe issues in the future. Again, fixing the issue yourself might not get you the results you want. Consider hiring a reputable plumber from your area to rectify the drain issue.
A Faucet Leak Is Normal
As a smart homeowner, you’d want to notice water leaks as soon as they start. While it’s true that the wear and tear on your faucets can cause leaks, you shouldn’t assume that they’re meant to happen. If you take care of your faucets correctly, you might never have to deal with a single leak.
Leaky faucets are an indication that something’s not right with your plumbing – it might be water pressure buildup or the faucet’s coming loose. Regardless of the reason, a leaking faucet adds several dollars to your bill, which you’d not want. Call in a plumber to fix the leak to avoid water loss and essentially prevent water damage in your home.
Hot Water Down Your Drain Prevents Clogs
You might have used hot water down your drain to prevent clogs, but that isn’t always the case. Hot water use in your drain is more of a temporary fix that can cause a massive problem in the future.
While it’s true that hot water removes the grime from your pipes, it liquefies most of the dirt that solidifies down the drainage. A buildup of the solid grime can cause a nasty clog that can be tough to fix. Contact a plumber near me to take care of the problem as soon as it happens for the best outcome.
Ice Cubes Down Your Disposal Sharpens the Blades
Most people put ice cubes down their disposal every few months in an attempt to sharpen the blades. If anything, the ice cubes dull the blades and break them, which can be hard to fix.
Advanced garbage systems don’t have the blades but instead feature teeth-like features to grind any solids. Ice cubes will either be turned into liquids or block the garbage disposal, which can spell trouble. Before trying anything you’re unsure about, consult a plumber — they’re always ready and willing to help.
Flushable Wipes Are Extremely Safe
I’m sure you’ve come across the wipes that claim they’re flushable on the packaging. However, it doesn’t mean that these wipes are incredibly safe to flush down your toilet — be careful.
Flushing one or two flushable wipes might be okay, but the practice isn’t sustainable. Most of the flushable wipes aren’t quickly biodegradable like toilet paper. They can thus cause a nasty clog in your pipes, which will cost a pretty dollar to fix.
A good thumb rule is; if it isn’t tissue paper on your toilet, don’t flush it. Call a plumber to unclog the drain if a block happens to deal with the issue permanently.
Lemon Peels Are Great for Your Garbage Disposal
You might have seen lemon peels being put down the drain to offer a sweet scent to your home. Sometimes, people stick a sliced lemon to clean the drain. Any solid waste that goes down the garbage disposal is a big no-no, and the lemons are no exception.
Although lemons add a pleasant scent to the kitchen, they do more harm than good. The lemon peels can dull blades on the garbage disposal or cause clogging to your system. Desist from disposal cleaning practices you’re unsure about; instead, hire professional plumbing services.
All plumbers Are Equal
What do you look for when hiring a plumber? Most homeowners think that all plumbers are the same, which isn’t always the case. You should settle for the best plumber if you want outstanding results.
Residential plumbing can be pretty complicated, making DIY handling of plumbing issues tricky. Hiring a top-rated plumber is your best shot at fixing the issue permanently.
But they can be hard to find with the many available options. Here are the tips for finding a plumber to help make your decision easier.
You Now Know the Most Common Plumbing Myths That Exist Today
Plumbing myths can be misleading, and when followed, they can create massive problems in your disposal system. The above article debunks the common plumbing myths that exist today and states their associated facts. Finding the right plumber is key to ensuring that your disposal system stays in tip-top shape.
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