7 Benefits of Using a Backer Board
Did you know that there are over 34,000 professional photographers in America? Photography is also a growing hobby for many. If you want to transition from hobby to professional, you’ll need a backer board.
It will improve the quality of your photos and help people take you seriously. Want to know more reasons why choosing a backer board can make a difference in your art presentation?
The following guide will explore 7 key benefits of using art and photography back board.
1. Backer Board Gives Support
Using a backer board gives great support to your artwork or photography. The board protects and hides the hinges that hold your work in place. Most professional framers prefer attaching art directly to the backing board.
2. Handling Protection
A backer board also helps to protect unframed art and photographs. It allows artists and collectors to handle the pieces without actually touching the art.
3. Air Circulation
The backing provides air circulation between the art and the glass or plastic of the frame. Air space is important to prints and photographs because shouldn’t be placed directly against the glass.
If moisture condenses inside a frame it might become trapped without airflow. This could lead to mildew, mold, buckling, and other damage to your art.
4. Expansion
Paper expands and contracts when humidity levels change. So, there needs to be room inside a frame for artwork to move and shift. Backer boards help suspend artwork properly so it can move side to side and top to bottom.
5. Color Presentation
Mats and backing board are crucial presentation components of framing. They’re often used to highlight colors in artwork and photography or a room’s specific decor.
6. Size and Shape Presentation
The Backing board also helps accent shapes in art and photos. It can even increase the work’s size to create a more dramatic presentation. Small pieces especially benefit from this sizing presentation.
7. Many Options
There are several options of backing board to choose from depending on your work and its size.
Foam Board is the most common type in picture framing. It uses a layer of styrofoam wedged between two thin sheets of clay-coated paper. Foam board provides a light yet rigid surface.
Gatorboard is created from dense styrofoam that’s wedged between two sheets of wood-veneer. It offers a very strong, protective backing for more delicate artwork.
Matboard works great for storing works. In fact, lignin-free matboard is thick enough for museum-quality storage.
Di-Bond is an extra-strength backing board that is long-lasting. It’s often used outdoors because it’s waterproof and very durable.
Sintra is a thin and strong board created from PVC plastic. It isn’t typically used in picture frames but is great for outdoor signs similar to di-bond.
Ready To Use Backer Board?
Now you know what the role of the backer board is and why it’s important. It helps preserve and present artwork and photography. Remember this guide and consider using a backing board for your next project!
Check out our DIY and Household category for more great tips and fascinating information.