Top 5 Factors Insurance Inspectors Look for in Building Inspections
Insurance inspections typically take 30 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the size and nature of the property. They are often scheduled when renewing your policy or obtaining new coverage.
They verify dwelling and other structure limits to ensure accuracy, and they may inspect the roof, gutters, and drain systems. They also check for signs of damage and mold.
When it comes to insurance inspection, the age of a building may be a key factor. Insurance companies inspect buildings to verify the replacement cost and risk level.
Older buildings are at greater risk, so they require more rigorous inspections. This can be due to structural problems, faulty wiring, or leaks around windows and doors.
The age of a building can be determined by looking at the type of materials used for construction, such as bricks. For example, if the bricks were handmade, the building would be older than machine-made. Also, the aluminum spacers in thermal-paned windows can indicate a building’s age. This is because they have the date of production etched into them.
In addition to checking for safety issues, the inspector will look at the property’s location. For example, if there are many trees on the site, an inspector will want to ensure they have proper tree care and are not in danger of falling on the building.
A builder might have put in a deck for a new home, and the inspector will need to make sure it’s structurally sound. They will check for wood rot, rodent damage, and other factors.
Insurance providers are increasingly requiring 4-point inspections before a policy is acquired. These inspections go deep into a structure’s specified systems, such as fire safety procedures, and may include looking at a compliance schedule and inspecting specific safety and utility equipment. The inspection usually takes about two hours.
In addition to evaluating the basic “envelope” of a building that protects it from weather and other elements, an insurance inspector will look at other aspects of the building’s condition. For example, they will check that the plumbing is in good shape and provides enough water for all the rooms. They will also make sure that the electrical system is up-to-date and well-protected.
They will also inspect ductwork and ventilation systems to verify that they are clean and in good condition. They will assess smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and other safety features. If the building is a habitational property, they will also evaluate tenant rules regarding dogs since pet damage is a leading cause of personal liability claims.
During a building inspection, the inspector will want to ensure all aspects of your building function properly. This includes the plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning systems. The inspector will also look at fire safety systems like sprinklers and alarms, as well as the condition of the roof and structure.
Lastly, the inspector will look at any outstanding repairs you need to make. These could include safety hazards like cracked steps or walkways and structural issues that may increase the risk of damage to your belongings.
If your building has any outstanding issues, the inspector will give you time to fix them before they decline coverage. The insurer will then re-evaluate your building and adjust your premium accordingly.
Generally speaking, insurance companies require four-point home inspections when an individual is applying for property insurance. The inspections look for potential safety hazards and if the building meets local building codes.
They also look for the age and condition of the roof, plumbing, and HVAC systems. Exposed or ungrounded wiring, aluminum and knob-and-tube wiring are red flags because they elevate fire hazard risks. Plumbing issues and leaky ceilings are big problems that can disqualify a property from insurance coverage.
In addition to spotting potential hazards, an insurance inspector can also make recommendations to the policyholder. For example, if they notice that the fire extinguishers in your business have expired, they may recommend that you replace them. This simple preventative measure could save you from a costly insurance claim.